About me

In this short video, I will talk a bit about my professional life, my skills, and my work style.

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Campaigns On Social Media
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Proffesional Training

Born in Caracas on January 17, 1998, I attended Champagnat School and graduated in 2015. I began my studies in Business Administration at the Universidad Metropolitana, which I completed in 2020.

My first entrepreneurship was an online store for thermal products (cup holders and coolers) called CoolCoolers. It was there that I became passionate about the business world and wanted to specialize further in the field of Digital Marketing.

This led me to take the next step in my professional development, so I decided to pursue an Advanced Master’s in Digital Marketing, UX/UI Interface Design, and WordPress Web Design in Madrid, Spain, in 2021. Specifically, I studied at the CEI Design School.

Parallel to this training, I was working at Nuevas Canciones, where I had the role of organizing marketing campaigns for the company’s artist clients. Once I completed the master’s program, my professional journey began.

Seolvit: A company dedicated to providing Digital Marketing services located in Massachusetts. I have been an ally of theirs since its foundation, responsible for social media advertising and web design tasks.

Emprende Cantando: A Music Marketing Company that, through a program, aims to boost the artistic careers of its clients. I have been a partner with them from the beginning, serving as the course programmer, responsible for the Facebook Ads and TikTok Ads lessons, and the Project Manager for the program.

El Mundo del Brinko:A company specializing in children’s event organization with over 18 years of experience. I assisted them in enhancing their professional brand by creating an updated and appealing website for their ideal clients.

Real Estate Juan Cano: A company providing Real Estate services in Boston, Massachusetts. I was responsible for the redesign and migration of their website, as well as managing Facebook Ads and TikTok Ads strategies.

Policancha: A company specializing in the construction of sports facilities, courts, and materials. I was tasked with renovating their website, with a design aimed at helping them achieve their goals in the digital ecosystem.

Tideman Marine: A company engaged in the sale or rental of boats in Boston, Massachusetts. I was able to assist this company through Seolvit, enabling a migration from SquareSpace to WordPress while preserving the same design.

Inmoyael: A real estate company with professionals in Spain. This company was seeking assistance internally with their website, and I was responsible for that. They also needed to organize their list of available properties, and I was able to complete the task on the same day.

Nuevas Canciones: This is the same Music Marketing company, but it focuses on providing services to its artist clients. Here, I am responsible for managing Facebook Ads and TikTok Ads campaigns, as well as Influencer campaigns when necessary.

Proffesional in Digital Marketing Paid Media Web Design Design UX/UI 

Proffesional in

Digital Marketing Paid Media Web Design Design UX/UI 

Contact without compromise and let´s talk about business.

Click on the icons and watch some of my lessons from the Arti-Growth Program.

Click on the icons and watch some of my lessons from the Arti-Growth Program.

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